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    «BoberDash»: 70 levels in its final version for Atari 8-bits | Download

    Control a clever beaver and evade security cameras in an adventure that won first place at Grawitacja 2024.

    1 min read

    In mid-February, Atari 8-bit enthusiasts received a pleasant surprise with the release of the final version of «BoberDash», a game that won first place at "Grawitacja 2024," a game jam held in Krakow (Poland) from April 6 to 7, 2024.

    This event, themed around "camera," gave rise to seven games, among which «BoberDash» stood out with a score of 7.47. Developed by Krystian "Salmax" Walczyk, "Marduk," and Michał "stRing" Radecki, the game puts players in the role of a clever beaver who must evade the surveillance of constantly rotating security cameras.

    The initial version of «BoberDash», presented at the game jam, included eight levels, but Walczyk promised much more for the final version. Now, with 70 levels, the game offers an expanded and more challenging experience. The cameras not only monitor horizontally and vertically but also diagonally, adding an extra layer of difficulty. Players must carefully plan their moves to avoid detection, requiring strategy and precision.

    The development of «BoberDash» was no easy task. "Salmax" recounts on his website how he prepared the first version of a module to create fonts and boards in Retro Tools, a modular application that facilitates game creation for Atari 8-bits. The collaboration with Marduk on graphic design and the moral support from Roksik were essential to the project's success.

    Following the FujiCup 2024 final, where Salmax personally presented «BoberDash», they realized the game had never been tested with a joystick, only with a keyboard. This explained some players' frustration with the controls, especially with diagonal movements. Additionally, some found the game too difficult. In response, Salmax implemented two new game modes and improved the controls, offering a more accessible experience.

    BoberDash final ver. for Atari 8-bit computers

    Download | 7 kB

    • With information from AtariOnline.


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