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    A8DS 3.9: Update for Atari 8-bit emulator on Nintendo DS/DSi

    1 min read

    The community of Atari XL/XE series computer enthusiasts can now enjoy A8DS V3.9, the latest version of the Nintendo DS/DSi emulator developed by Dave "Wavemotion" Bernazzani (USA).

    One of the most notable new features is the update of the Altirra OS to version 3.41, although Altirra BASIC remains at version 1.58. This update improves compatibility and performance, providing a solid foundation for those not using Atari BIOS ROMs.

    Additionally, the keyboard graphics have been improved to be more readable by making the font clearer on the DS screen. This change makes it easier to interact with the emulator, especially on the small screen of the handheld console.

    In technical terms, A8DS V3.9 has fixed a bug in the Acid800 test, now complying with the indirect jump bug on the 6502. Improvements have also been made to the PIA emulation to align with the latest Atari800 core.

    For those interested in installing A8DS V3.9 on their DS or DSi consoles, it is important to have the ability to run homebrews. On older DS models, this is usually accomplished with a FlashCart such as the R4. On the DSi or higher models, one can opt for a software modification and run applications such as Twilight Menu++ or Unlaunch.

    A8DS 3.9 Emulator for Nintendo DS/DSi

    Download | 588 kB

    With information from Atari Age

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