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    Ruff in Trouble Level 1 Premiere | Video

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    Janusz "Shanti77" Chabowski has released a video showing the first level of "Ruff in Trouble," his highly anticipated action-platformer for the Atari 8-bit computers.

    The title stands out for its vibrant and detailed graphics, which add great colour to each scene; and for the fluidity of the movements of the protagonist, Ruff, who can shoot diagonally, climb stairs, jump and crouch with ease.

    Animations are another strong point of the game: enemies flapping their wings, exploding in colorful detonations, and traps moving in a menacing manner add dynamism and excitement to the gaming experience.

    The Ruff in Trouble project traces its roots back to July 2023, when Chabowski presented a video titled “Another way to use the engine from Trax,” which revealed the early stages of the game’s development. This engine, initially used in the top-down shooter “Trax,” was adapted to create a side-scrolling platform adventure, demonstrating the versatility of the codebase.

    Initially known as “Unnamed Platformer,” the game quickly captured fans’ attention for its vibrant colors and fluid mechanics. In September 2023, Chabowski released a second video titled “Odyn1ec's dark vision of the world,” a version of “Ruff'n” that used graphics created by Jarek “Odyn1ec” Wyszynski, giving the game a darker but equally fascinating appearance.

    The name “Ruff in Trouble” was officially unveiled during the Atari Homebrew Awards 2024 on February 24, where it generated great excitement among fans and developers.
    Chabowski has registered his project, which pays homage to the Amiga classic, «Ruff 'n' Tumble» (Renegade Software, 1994) in the twenty-second edition of the Atari Bit Byter User Club (ABBUC) 2024.

    This new video of the first level not only confirms the quality and appeal of the game, but also makes it clear that “Ruff in Trouble” is destined to become an instant classic within the Atari 8-bit community.

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