Over 30 new levels for «Time Wizard Deluxe» for Atari 8-bit | Video
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The exciting previews of «Time Wizard Deluxe» for Atari 8-bit computers continue. Through a fifth video, Krzysztof "Amarok" Piotrowski (Poland) has revealed more new features of this extended edition of his acclaimed game «Time Wizard».
Among the new features, the addition of 31 new levels stands out, many of them created by members of AtariOnline.pl and AtariAge. This reflects the strong support and creativity of the community, enriching the gaming experience with a variety of innovative and unique challenges.Additionally, the level author's name is now displayed during loading, recognizing the level designers' effort and contribution. This new feature not only enriches the player experience, but also encourages greater community involvement.
Another exciting addition is a boss level with new gameplay mechanics. This special level promises to be a highlight in the adventure, challenging players with new strategies and skills.

Visual improvements are also notable. Improvements have been made to the introduction, title and ending screens, elevating the aesthetics and cohesion of the game. Additionally, five new transition effects have been added when showing and hiding the board, bringing a touch of dynamism and fluidity to the gameplay. Amarok has expressed his excitement on the AtariAge forum, stating: "Amazing new features will appear in the next demo version. Stay tuned." This promise keeps the community expectant and excited for what's to come.
With information from AtariAge.
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