Final version of «Technical Difficulties - No Internet (The Dino Crisis)» for Atari 8-bits | Download
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Atari 8-bit system enthusiasts can now enjoy the final version of “Technical Difficulties - No Internet (The Dino Crisis)”, a game that has gained popularity for its entertaining combination of action and challenge.
This title, which was presented during the Silly Venture 2024 SE festival in Gdansk (Poland), managed to secure third place in the competition, thanks to its addictive gameplay and outstanding soundtrack.Developed by Tomasz "Pecus" Pecko and Pawel "Pirx" Kalinowski, Technical Difficulties recreates the popular Chrome dinosaur game, where players guide the dinosaur through a desert filled with obstacles in an endless race.
The final version of the game brings with it several significant improvements. The dinosaur's jump has been extended, giving players greater control over its movements. In addition, the difficulty level has been reduced, allowing players to reach up to 1000 points.

Transitions between different parts of the game during loading are now smoother, improving the overall experience. On NTSC systems, the dinosaur no longer flickers; and the music plays at the same speed as on PAL.
Another notable feature is that Joy 2B+ mode now allows you to use the second trigger button on the joystick to make the dinosaur crouch, adding a new dimension of control to the game. Pirx commented on the AtariAge forum: "The game is a bit easier now. We didn't reset the attraction mode because it looks cool, and overall the game isn't designed to be played for more than 5 minutes."
With these improvements, “Technical Difficulties” becomes a relevant title for Atari 8-bit users, offering a short but exciting gaming experience that mixes nostalgia with a touch of innovation.
Technical Difficulties - final ver. for Atari 8-bit computers
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