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    «Robots Rumble» now available for Atari 8-bit | Download

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    Atari 8-bit owners can now enjoy “Robots Rumble,” a game that combines arcade, puzzle and platform, originally created by Digital Monastery in 2019 for the Commodore 64.

    You take on the role of Slade, a 45-year-old man who is passionate about his job: destroying broken robots on distant planets and throwing them into lava. Your mission is to guide these faulty robots through various scenarios using only two large magnets. You must avoid the dangerous green radioactive rocks, since if the robot touches them, it will explode and cause contamination of the entire planet. You must also avoid the guardians of the place.

    The magnets you control have a limited battery life, so you'll need to collect batteries scattered around the map to keep them running. If you run out of power, you'll die. Also, if both magnets align with the robot, it will stop moving, adding an extra layer of strategy to the game. You can use moving platforms to fill gaps, break glass floors, ride light elevators, and use teleporters.

    The Atari 8-bit port has been developed by a talented team: Tomasz "TeBe" Biela on programming, Miguel Ángel "Miguetelo" Tejedor López on graphics, Michał "Miker" Szpilowski on music and David "flipation" Saavedra on the loading screen.

    The game was presented at Lost Party 2024, a cyclical event that brings together the demoscene of Atari XL/XE, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, Amstrad and other 8-bit computers. This year, the gathering took place from 11 to 14 July in Licheń Stary, central Poland, organized by the experienced Tristesse group.

    To enjoy music inspired by artists such as Giorgio Moroder and Kraftwerk, load the game in 128k. Controls are intuitive: use the arrow keys to scroll through the game.QandTOto move the left magnet up and down; and the keysPandLfor the right magnet. You can also use a joystick, moving the left magnet up and down; and combining the movement with the fire button for the right magnet.

    It is worth mentioning that this port requires the VBXE card to run. Robots Rumble retains all the action and challenge of the original game, providing a fresh experience for Atari 8-bit gamers.

    Rumble Robots for Atari 8-bit computers

    Download | 226 kB

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