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    Discover «Galagish»: the port of «Galaga» for Atari 8-bits | Download

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    Following the early work of Paul "Playsoft" Lay and Bobby "Synthpopalooza" Clark, AtariAge forum user "Gimmee99" has taken up the project of porting the classic game "Galaga" (Namco, 1981) to Atari 8-bit computers.

    Taking advantage of the source files provided by "Playsoft", Gimmee99 has implemented a series of improvements that have transformed the trailer into a more complete and playable experience, bringing it even closer to the original arcade experience.

    Notable improvements include the addition of five ships at the start of each match, along with a remaining life counter visible on the status bar. Another exciting addition is the ability to get a double ship and double missiles when you take down an enemy boss, giving you a 400-point bonus.

    Additionally, players can gain an extra ship by completely eliminating a formation of enemy ships, which already gave a bonus of 1000 points.

    Since this project is more of a tribute to Galaga than a direct port or clone, Gimmee99 has renamed the binaries to "Gish*" to visually distinguish them from previous demos and experiments.
    On the other hand, "Gimmee99" has identified some bugs that need to be fixed, such as the fact that the game starts immediately instead of waiting for the fire button to be pressed. He also suggests that it would be great if someone with artistic talent could create a variant of the "Galaga" logo, but with the name "Galagish".

    We hope that the dedication of Gimmee99 and other members of the community will allow this tribute to “Galaga” to continue improving and offering an ever richer experience.

    Galagish (WIP) for Atari 8-bit computers

    Download | 27 kB

    With information from Atari Age.

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