Encounter! for Atari 8-bit computers | Review
3 min read

«Encounter!» is a pseudo 3D first-person action shooter for the Atari 8-bit that has made its mark as one of the great classics of this platform. Developed by Novagen Software in 1983, it combines speed, challenge and strategy, providing a unique and exciting experience that continues to attract players.
This masterpiece quickly became a classic for good reasons; especially for its impressive frame rate. Plus, it was a huge hit at the time, selling over 100,000 copies and influencing many later space adventure games.
A scenario of combat and relentless challenges
The story of “Encounter!” is set on a desolate planet, a training ground for the greatest warriors of an alien race. In this simulation, you must pilot a tank-like vehicle through three-dimensional landscapes and eliminate enemies that appear on the screen. The mission is simple but challenging: you must skillfully maneuver to avoid the 64 pillars scattered across the terrain while shooting at flying saucers and drones that incessantly attack you. The game features eight levels, each with its own unique landscape and attack strategies; and offers three difficulty levels to suit players of different abilities.
Dynamic and addictive gameplay
The game is split into two main parts. In the first, you must move across an open landscape, destroying flying saucers that emerge from white portals. The flying saucers will shoot spheres at you, and drones are programmed to home in on your ship. Enemies will appear at random points on the planet's surface, and you'll need to locate them with your radar in order to destroy them before they finish you off. You can use the pillars to bounce the spheres off of you and hit enemies from unexpected angles.
The action progresses as you destroy all the enemies in a level and go through a portal that takes you to the next. These portals only stay open for a limited time, adding a sense of urgency and rewarding the player's skill and quickness. Here begins the second part: you find yourself in a tunnel where you must dodge spheres heading towards you. If they hit you, you lose a shield. With four hits, you run out of shields and the game is over.
Adversaries and strategies
«Encounter!» features two main types of enemies. The first adversary is a flying saucer that moves randomly around the battlefield, firing at your ship. As you progress to higher levels, the UFOs' strategy and firing patterns become more complex, requiring diagonal movements and dodging tactics. The second adversary is a low-flying missile that follows your position and cannot be stopped by obstacles. Its menacing sound increases in intensity as it approaches, and the best strategy is to turn and back away to gain time to destroy it.
Graphics and sound
The graphics in “Encounter!” are simple but effective, reminiscent of racing games from the early 1980s. A basic but dynamic environment is offered, with changing scenery providing visual variety. Collision animations can be mesmerizing, especially when the screen fills with stripes and colors after an impact. Enemy ships even have shadows, a detail that adds depth to the visual experience.As for sound, the game is known for its explosive effects. Gunshots, impacts, and collisions all have distinctive noises that help identify enemies before they appear on the radar. Moving forward produces a constant hum, while turning creates a more distorted tone. Different enemies have their own signature sounds, providing important auditory cues during gameplay.
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