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    «1K RainBox»: first ABBUC 2024 game for Atari 8-bit

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    The Atari Bit Byter User Club (ABBUC) has received its first entry for the 2024 software competition, and it comes from Frederik "freetz" Holst, with a game called "1K RainBox."

    Despite its small size, less than 1000 bytes, the game is one of the most colorful, using over 100 shades of the Atari rainbow, with 13 different colors arranged horizontally.

    The goal is simple but addictive: after choosing one of the nine available levels (with the SELECT key), the computer mixes the tiles to form the rainbow and your task is to return them to their original order, using as few moves as possible.

    You can move an adjacent tile to the empty space to rearrange the tiles and, step by step, restore the rainbow. The fewer moves you use compared to the number Atari used to shuffle them, the higher your score will be.

    1K RainBox offers four different sets of tiles for the game board, which you can switch between at any time (using the OPTION key). This versatility gives the game an extra touch of variety, allowing players to change the look of the playing field while searching for the best strategy to restore the rainbow.

    ABBUC 2024 is underway

    Holger "Holgibo" Bommer, organizer of ABBUC, reminded that the deadline for submitting programs for the competition is July 31, 2024. Everyone is encouraged to participate with one or more programs, as long as they comply with the rules set by the club.
    The winner of ABBUC 2023 was “Time Wizard” by Krzysztof “Amarok” Piotrowski, who set a high standard for the competition. With the entry of “1K RainBox”, ABBUC 2024 promises to be an exciting one, showcasing the talent and creativity of the Atari 8-bit community.

    With information from AtariAge.

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