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    Guide to configure the joystick in the Altirra 4.20 emulator

    2 min read

    Setting up input devices on the Altirra, such as the joystick, is essential to fully enjoying your favorite Atari 8-bit games. Here's how to do it step by step:

    Option 1: Configure the keyboard as a joystick

    Open the "Input" menu and select "Input Mappings". Check the box next to "Arrow keys" and click the "Edit" button.

    By default, the arrow keys act as the joystick, and the fire button is mapped to the right Control key.

    If you want to change the default values, double-click the appropriate option. For example, to change the trigger key, select the Right Control key from the "Source" drop-down menu.

    Option 2: Configure a USB joystick

    Altirra offers support for USB devices, allowing you to use modern gamepads.

    Connect your USB joystick to your PC and make sure it is correctly recognized by Windows.

    In Altirra, go to "Input" and select "Input Mappings". Check the box next to "Gamepad -> Joystick (port 1)" and press the "Edit" button.

    In the pop-up window, select your joystick from the "Game controller" drop-down list. It will usually be listed as "Generic controller (Generic USB Joystick)".

    That's it. If you want, uncheck Arrow Keys to play with the joystick only; you can also leave it as is.

    Setting up joysticks for two players

    For games that support two players, one player can use the keyboard (Port 1) and the other a gamepad (Port 2). You can also use two joysticks, one in each port (Gamepad 1 and Gamepad 2).

    Function keys in Altirra emulator

    F1: Temporarily enable fast execution speed.
    F2: Start key.
    F3: Select key.
    F4: Option key.
    F5: Soft Reset.
    F6: Help key.
    F9: Pause.
    ShiftF5: Hard reset (turn the computer off and on).
    AltEnter: Toggle between windowed and full screen mode.

    With these steps, you can easily configure your joystick on Altirra and enjoy your classics with the best gaming experience.

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