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    Latest Atari 8-bit games registered in NOMAM's BASIC Ten-Liners 2024 | Download

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    The thirteenth edition of NOMAM's BASIC Ten-Liners 2024, the annual event featuring games programmed with a maximum of ten lines of code in BASIC, has received a recent update.

    This captivating contest, which saw a total of 53 entries, saw 9 outstanding games emerge for the beloved Atari 8-bit computers.

    Last Saturday, Victor "Vitoco" Parada from Chile submitted "Fly Hunter 10L," marking his third contribution to the contest, following "Chase Me!" and "Endless Road Runner." In this game, players control a spider, using its web to catch flies while avoiding a lurking frog.

    The game is built in FastBasic 4.6 and competes in the PUR-120 category, boasting concise code of just 10 lines with up to 120 characters each.

    Fly Hunter 10L for Atari 8-bit computers

    Download | 91 kB

    The latest addition to the roster is “Doons,” written by Kim Slawson in TurboBASIC XL. This game is competing in the EXTREME-256 category of the NOMAM.

    Players must strategize by taking into account the color of the brick loaded into their cannon, positioning it over the others they wish to eliminate, and firing. Those that match explode on impact, but players must watch out for the color-changing bomb that appears periodically.

    As previously reported by Atariteca, the contest's awards ceremony is scheduled for Saturday, April 6.

    Doons for Atari 8-bit computers

    Download | 91 kB

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