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    «Bonk'em», a captivating Atari 8-bit game that will keep you hooked | Download

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    Noah Burney from the United States presents “Bonk'em”, a simple yet addictive game for Atari 8-bit, making its debut at the 13th edition of NOMAM's BASIC Ten-Liners 2024 contest.

    The premise is very simple: when the mole comes out, press the corresponding key to hit it. The speed will gradually increase. After losing 5 moles, the game ends.

    «Bonk'em» has been entered into the PUR-120 category of NOMAM's BASIC Ten-Liners 2024, the annual competition showcasing programmers' talent for creating immersive gaming experiences with minimal code.

    The .atr disk image should be loaded into D1: and contains an AUTORUN.SYS to automatically launch the BASIC program. Any emulator, such as Altirra, Atari800, etc., should be suitable, as long as it has BASIC enabled.

    If the game does not start automatically, it can be run directly from BASIC using the command: RUN"D:BONKEM.BAS"

    The deadline for registration for the contest is Saturday, March 16 at 06:00 p.m. (GMT), and the awards ceremony is scheduled for Saturday, April 6.

    Bonk'em for Atari 8-bit computers

    Download | 90 kB

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