«Agent Wander» in development for Atari 8-bit | Download
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Sixteen action-packed levels are what Agent Wander offers, a platform game written by Jacob Copsey for Atari 8-bit computers with a minimum of 48K of memory.
The premise is simple: you must collect all the hearts in each stage, by dodging enemies and using teleporters. In a clear nod to Mr. Robot and his Robot Factory (Datamost, 1983), you will get more points if you have walked on all the platforms before collecting the last heart.
"The game is being developed to fulfil a childhood dream of creating a professional-quality game for my Atari 800XL. My aim is to try out different techniques I've read about to make the most of the hardware available on Atari 8-bit computers," Copsey explains.on their website
«Agent Wander» is being written in assembly language; and while it was originally designed for A8 computers running NTSC, version 0.2 features PAL support - for correct colors and correct playback speed.

In the future, the author hopes to implement more levels; a scoreboard that is saved on disk; a built-in custom level editor; and adding the ever-present musical theme to the game's intro.
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