Download | They share a version that consolidates improvements to the classic «Joust»
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Abel "Ascrnet" Carrasco (Chile) compiled into a single file a series of fixes created by the AtariAge forum community for "Joust", Atari's iconic game (1983).
Via the Facebook page of the Chilean portal Atariware, Carrasco recalled that the cosmetic adjustments date back to 2014; when Lyren "Xuel" Brown (USA) accepted another user's request to add a space between the score and the indication of remaining men. This makes the information clearer and easier to read during frenetic games.
On the title screen, there was an annoying 1 pixel glitch in the right hand stripes. This flaw was present in the original ROM. The glitch caused the stripe to shift outwards and then back into position repeatedly during the animation.
Another bug that was fixed affected the title screen. For a single frame at the start, the text was greyed out. Let's not forget that Joust was initially developed for the Atari 5200 console and then ported to Atari 8-bit computers.
Brown has cracked numerous games to make them compatible with the XL OS. With this compilation, the Atarian community has not only improved the gaming experience, but also demonstrated their passion for preserving and improving the classics.
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