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    New trailer for «Flimbo's Quest» for Atari 8-bit computers | Download

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    Colourful graphics and plenty of action are what the new trailer for the port of «Flimbo's Quest» (System 3, 1990) for Atari XL/XE series computers brings.

    After ten months without any news, we have an update of the 2D platformer developed by Jaroslaw "Solo" Padula, Waldek "Laoo" Pawlaszek (code) and Michael "Miker" Szpilowski (music), grouped under the name New Generation (NG).

    Usually, you have to find a blinking enemy that drops a scroll. When you pick up the scroll, you take it to the shop; and after a few scrolls, you'll be transported to the next level.

    To run the game, a machine or emulator with a minimum of 576K of memory and the PAL video system is required - although in NTSC the images are tinted with a greenish hue.

    "Solo" said that they are looking to make the game run on Atari computers with 64kb of memory, from a cartridge. "For now, it is likely that only a small feature will be removed (I'm not sure yet, there is no final testing) to make the game work on standard XL/XE computers," he said on the Atari Age forum.

    He admitted that the port of "Flimbo's Quest" should have been finished in 2019. He explained that this preview was not prepared for any release, it already has a lot of refactoring for the cartridge and that -for now- some additional banks are used to emulate it. "That's why it doesn't run on 320 kB," he pointed out.

    It is worth remembering that this port in development won the Games category at the Silly Venture 2018 retrofestival, held from November 2 to 4 of that year in the town of Gdansk (Poland).

    Flimbo's Quest for Atari 8-bit computers

    Download | 204 kB

    If you press the Return key, you will jump to the next level.
    If you obtain the bottle, you will be invulnerable and will be able to annihilate your enemies just by touching them.
    The passwords for the scroll shop are 6502 instructions (like sei or lda) and are displayed by the merchant.


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