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    «Gold Diggers», a new puzzle game that challenges Atari 8-bit lovers

    0 min read

    If you are looking for an addictive puzzle challenge for your Atari 8-bit, this game is definitely an option to consider: «Gold Diggers», written by Krystian "Salmax" Walczyk, Krzysztof "KAZ" Ziembik and Filip "Zoltar X" Golewsk (Poland).

    Inspired by the classic "Mummy Maze" (PopCap Games, 2002), "Gold Diggers" puts us in an unusual situation: we must escape from the girls hungry for our money through 128 levels, which challenge the skill and ingenuity of the players.

    A notable feature of this puzzle game is its integration with the FujiNet device, allowing users to save their scores online and compete with other Atari 8-bit players in a global ranking.

    The first version of «Gold Diggers» was released during the fifth edition of the Grawitacja 8-bit gamejam, which took place from April 21 to 23 of this year in Krakow (Poland).

    At the event, which brought together talented game developers to create projects in a limited time, “Gold Diggers” took eighth place with a score of 20.94 points.

    Gold Diggers for Atari 8-bit computers

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