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    Upcoming release of “Space Taxi” for Atari 8-bit confirmed

    1 min read

    After almost ten years in development, Andrea Cucchetto (Italy) has confirmed the upcoming release of the port of «Space Taxi» (MUSE Software, 1984) for Atari 8-bit computers.

    The game - originally published on Commodore 64 - puts us behind the wheel of aflying vehicle of the 23rd century, with the mission of transporting passengers quickly and efficiently through 24 levels - corresponding to the 24 hours of the day. The task is complicated by the fact that the platforms to pick up customers are reduced, as is the amount of fuel; in contrast to the increasing number of obstacles that we will have to overcome.

    Via the AtariAge forumCucchetto confirmed that all levels of the game are ready, although details such as digitized voices that include phrases like "Hey taxi!", "Pad one please", "Thanks" and "Up please" are still missing.

    "I'm also preparing a kind of 'manual' for the A8B version of 'Space Taxi' and I'm going to include some information about the creation of the game," he told Atariteca.

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