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    «Montezuma Claustrophobia»: previews of the upcoming romhack of «Montezuma's Revenge» revealed

    1 min read

    José Tomás Parga (Chile) shared a video of «Montezuma Claustrophobia», his upcoming adventure game for Atari 8-bit computers based on the classic «Montezuma's Revenge» (Parker Brothers, 1984).

    Through the Atariware Facebook group, Parga said that the new romhack is designed with the logic of a labyrinth, with narrow spaces and few enemies.

    He also used assembly language for modifications to the original game, while to redesign the rooms he used MonteMaker, a tool written in

    Although many rooms have been modified, he cannot yet say when the project will be finished. "I need time to invest in the design of the pyramid and pieces," he said.

    Let us remember that Parga published four years ago“Montezuma Again!”, with a total of 72 theaters; most of them completely new and very difficult to complete.

    MonteMaker is based on the AtariMapMaker program by programmer Martin "MatoSimi" Šimecek (Slovakia) to streamline the layout of rooms, items, and enemy placement in "Montezuma".


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