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    Amiga programmer ventures into Atari 8-bit with “Dragon Wood”

    1 min read

    Colorful and promising is the action game that Michael "Steril707" Borrmann (Germany) is developing for Atari 8-bit computers.

    This is "Dragon Wood", which "Steril707" himself describes as a fantasy version of«Exolon» (Hewson, 1987), legendary Amstrad CPC title

    Borrmann - who is better known under the nickname Tigerskunk - started programming "Dragon Wood" as a way to distract himself from his current project: "Hyperblaster", the sequel tonotable shoot'em up «Inviyya»(2021) for Amiga computers and the NeoGeo console.

    "The goal is to learn the system, and create a very short game while doing so. Right now I have the basic framework, and I can define animated objects on my screens,"commented on the AtariAge forum, where he documents the evolution of his project.

    He admits that despite liking the chipset of the Atari 8-bit computers, he found it difficult to adapt back to the 6502 CPU after several years of coding for M68Ks. "Anyway, I'm making good progress (...) I think it's a good result so far for a week and a half of learning."

    Despite his enthusiasm, "Steril707" will put "Dragon Wood" on hold, as his priority is to complete "Hyperblaster" in order to present it at the Amiga37 event, which will take place in the German city of Mönchengladbach in mid-October.

    "I'll definitely be getting back into it (...) Ataris are really pretty, and I love how you can squeeze that extra bit of extra out of a game when you combine the chipset features with the pixel design... like on the Amiga."

    Finally, "Steril707" hinted at his interest in developing a spaceship game for the A8. "I'd love to try out what I could create in terms of SHMUP on the Atari 8-bit. But my "engine" would have to be a lot more robust than it is now in order to achieve what I have in mind," he concluded.

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