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    Alpha version of «The Hangmad» for Atari 8-bit computers | Download

    1 min read

    Wojtek "Bocianu" Bocianski (programming and graphics) and Piotr "LiSU" Lis (music) join forces once again to bring us more fun for Atari 8-bit computers.

    This is "The Hangmad", a game written in Mad Pascal - a 32-bit Turbo Pascal compiler for the Atari XE/XL series computers.

    In this remake of the classic Hangman game, you have to guess a word (in English) from the letters, with a limited number of attempts. In total, there are 16,384 different words for each available language (Polish and English).

    Speaking to Atariteca, Bocianski said that the game - despite being fully operational - is still in development. "It still doesn't have music; and connectivity through(the device) FujiNetdoes not work. For now, it uses a local database, hosted on the disk image," he explained.

    He said that together with "LiSU" they are working on two more dictionaries, in Czech and Italian. In addition, the connection via FujiNet will allow the program to display the definitions for each term from the Wikitionary website.

    "It's a source of nouns for this program (...) the server is ready, so the FujiNet version will be released sooner rather than later (...) I wrote a small Python script to get all the nouns from this dictionary to use in this application," he said.

    It should be remembered that "Bocianu" and "LiSu" have many other games to their credit, such as«FloB»«Dirty Rally Speedway»«Pop'n'Drop»«Pac-Mad»and Mr. Hoppe.

    The Hangmad for Atari 8-bit computers

    Download | 360 kB

    To change the language ofPolish to English, on the home screen move the lever down until"Options"and press the trigger button. Then, in"Wybor Jezyka"move the lever to the right on"IN"and press the fire button again. To start the game, press fire on"New game".


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