New trailer for «Dimo's Underworld» for Atari 8-bit
0 min read

After overcoming a health problem, Thomas "8Bitjunkie" Schulz (Germany) offers us a new preview of "Dimo's Quest: Underworld", an adventure game for Atari 8-bit computers.
AsWe reviewed it before in Atariteca, graphic artist Tobias Prinz and Hilton "Elektrofish" Theissen are involved in this project with music.
Dimo must collect the candy scattered on the screen, avoiding any contact with vermin and monsters. To complete his mission, he can interact with other objects - such as stones, switches and arrows - that will give him access to blocked areas.
"8Bitjunkie" claims that in the distant future he will release a compilation cartridge tentatively named "Dimo's Quest: Five Kingdoms."
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