C64 port of “Commando” for Atari 8-bit computers with VBXE is in the works
1 min read

Prolific programmer Janusz "Shanti77" Chabowski began developing the port of the classic "Commando" (Capcom, 1985) for Atari 8-bit computers, starting with the Commodore 64 version.
For those with no memory, the game puts us in the shoes of Super Joe, an elite soldier whose mission is to rescue prisoners, armed with an M60 machine gun and six hand grenades.As withhis recent port of «Bomb Jack»(Tecmo, 1984), Chabowski revealed that the port will require the VBXE graphics card; hardware that generates high-quality RGB images, with a resolution of up to 640x480i; and allows 1024 colors from a 21-bit palette. "The game speed and wide sprites would flicker terribly on hardware sprites. Using VBXE it will be a quick project; most of the (Commodore 64) code can be copied," he said.
"Shanti77", who also comes working on “Bloody Planet”, indicated that the project is becoming more dynamic because "the source code (of the game) for C64 is available. I want to see how fast/easy it is to transfer said code to Atari and at the same time learn a little about the competition's hardware."
However, he did not specify whether he is using the original version by Chris Butler, where "Commando" only has three levels; or the versionhomebrewfrom 2014, which recreates the eight stages of the arcade.
It should be noted that while users of Atari XL/XE series computers with expanded memory to 256 kB They already have the game since 1989, the graphics have been quite different from those of Commodore.
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