New promotional video for “Bubble Shooter” coming soon
1 min read
In early December, MadTeam (Poland) will release the second promotional video for «Bubble Shooter», a promising logic game for Atari 8-bit computers.
Despite what they announced its creators last May, the unique game did not make it to the Lost Party 2021 festival, which took place from July 8 to 11 in Poland.At the end of July, Paweł "Pajero" Nowak (code) shared a first demo on the forums of the Polish portal AtariOnline, where one of the characters lamented the absence of "Bubble Shooter" in the activity. He also left a thumbnail with the first hundred screens of the game.
Months went by and there were no major updates on the game, inspired by the free app “Primitive Bubble Shooter” (Happy Dragon Inc., 2019) and whose characters bear a certain resemblance to those of “Puzzle Bobble” (Taito, 1994). However, this weekend Nowak posted a message on AtariArea Forums realizing that the project was moving forward. "After the Silly Venture 2020 (developed from August 20th to 22nd in Gdansk, Poland) I took a month off, but I'm back now. I have a first version for (Atari 8-bit computers with 64K) standard memory; and now I'm working on the version (for computers) with (extended memory to) 320K. I'll send it to thebeta testers; so I will soon make a new presentation of the progress."
The message is accompanied by a screenshot of "Pajero's" computer desktop, which features a new title screen, as well as other images of the seasons and levels.
Meanwhile, Michal "Miker" Szpilowski (music) told Atariteca that the soundtrack will be composed of various covers of classic songs, as well as melodies from other video games. He noted that although "Bubble Shooter" is quite advanced, there may be several changes before its final release.
Asked by Atariteca about the probable release date, Nowak considered that "it would be a miracle" to have the game ready for Christmas 2021. Patience, friends.
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