Laura released for Atari computers with 64KB RAM
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To mark the fifth anniversary of the release of “Laura,” ArSoft Corporation is sharing a free digital copy of the first cartridge of this unique puzzle adventure game, which can be run on Atari computers with standard 64KB memory.
Presented on November 12, 2016 inthe framework of Silly Venture 2K16-made in the town of Gdansk (Poland) - "Laura" has more than 60 levels, where the player will have to avoid traps; place bombs; move boxes; discover keys and activate doors.
Through his fanpage, it is recalled that the collector's version published on a cartridge, which included additional stages, required a standard Atari 130XE computer or another 800XL/65XE/800XE/XEGS computer with extended RAM up to 128KB.
Instead, the CAR file released this week can be placed on any cartridge - such as SIDE3 or AVGCart. And most importantly, the game does not require any additional memory.
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