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    «Vitoco» Parada wins BASIC 10 Liner 2021 competition

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    Chilean Víctor "Vitoco" Parada was crowned the main winner of the annual BASIC 10 Liner 2021 contest, the tenth edition of the competition that each year recognizes the best game programmed in BASIC for any 8-bit computer, with a maximum of ten lines of code.

    As we reviewed a few weeks agoParada entered the competition in the "EXTREME-256" category (maximum 256 characters per line) with "The Children", a game inspired by the series "The Mandalorian"; and "Patrol", a clone of the classic "Moon Patrol" (Atari, 1983).

    Following the vote, which took place on Saturday, April 10 in the German city of Lübeck, "The Children" took first place with 10.17 points; while "Patrol" came in second with 10 points. "It took beta testers many days to complete the game ("The Children"). I received their feedback, made some adjustments and changed the order of the zones according to the reported challenge level. The last two zones are the ones that they said took them more than a day to solve," commented Parada on the AtariAge forum.

    A separate mention should be made of "Rockfall" - a simplified version of "Boulder Dash" (First Star Software, 1984) by Craig "Preppie" Miller - which reached sixth place in the same category with 9 points.

    "Vitoco" also took first place in the "PUR-120" category (each line of code with a maximum of 120 characters) with his unique shooter "Noxious"; the main feature of which is the use of paddles to play it. This spaceship game accumulated 8.67 points. Meanwhile, his other game "Matrix:Red or Blue" reached fourth place in the same category with 7.10 points.

    It is worth remembering that Parada has won in past editions of the BASIC Tenliners with his games "Wazers", "Repeat after Simona" (2020), "Mini Bros" (2019), "Pixelated Puzzle", "Space Ranger" (2017), "Invaders" and "Where’s my cheese?" (2016).

    On the other hand, Eric Henneke achieved sixth place in the "PUR-80" category (each line of code with a maximum of 80 characters) with his BASIC game "Purge"; while Parada achieved eighth place with "Hubert", inspired by "Qbert" (Parker Brothers, 1983).

    Meanwhile, Kim "OxC0FFEE" Slawson was able to take second place in the "WILD" category with his project "Golf on Mt. Fuji with DLI." Finally, we must highlight the "Mandelbrot Set" program presented by Scott Williamson: an animated generator of Mandelbrot sets in just 10 lines of code; which also features music composed by Adam Sporka. This surprising work reached the meritorious second place in the "SCHAU" category (for demos, tools and non-recreational applications with a limit of 256 characters per line) with 7.75 points.

    This year, a total of 16 programs for Atari 8-bit computers were entered into the competition - which received a total of 146 entries for various retro computers. "The judges came from different parts of the world: Canada, the USA, Australia and five from Germany (...) they tested for nine hours straight on real hardware (Atari, Spectrum, C64, C128) and some more on the emulator," says Gunnar "Bunsen" Kanold (Germany), the creator of the competition.

    Interested parties can Check out the official NOMAM page (originating from the phrase “Not Only Marvelous Atari Machinery”).

    BASIC 10 Liner 2021 Game Pack for Atari 8-bit

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    We would like to thank Swiss atarian Filippo "Philsan" Santellocco for allowing us to use the image that illustrates this article.

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