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    Mind-blowing Pole Position remake with 3D polygons

    1 min read

    Pole Position, the popular Namco racing game (1982), is gloriously revived within a 3D environment made with polygons.

    Jonathan Thomas (UK) reverse-engineered the iconic arcade game to rebuild it, missing only details like the explosion when hitting another car or the blimp with the message "Get ready to qualify."

    For the moment, the project - which has been on standby for five years - is only available to users who know how to compile the code from Linux.

    The author is looking for someone willing to generate a binary for Windows or a Mac version. "I hope someone in the community will take it up (...) But everyone wants to play it and no one wants to work on it!"

    Thomas admits that he has some respect for Namco's potential legal action, which means he won't be able to release a free DLC for major systems until "I've raised enough money to fund a team of lawyers," he jokes.

    Those who have the skills and hardware to compile the code can Download it from its repository on GitHub We also recommend that you follow the author on his Twitter account

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