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    Kret, a new logic game for Atari computers

    1 min read

    Paweł "PeBe" Banaś has published "Kret", a logic game written in Turbo Basic for the Atari 8-bit computers.

    The game, whose title translates from Polish as "mole", looks like a variation of the classic Tetris. However, the dynamics are simpler: you have to clear the screen, destroying the pieces without letting them fall on you.

    "Kret" is aPC game conversionfrom 1991, which enjoyed quite a bit of popularity in Poland. However, "PeBe" has introduced several improvements, particularly in speed and controls.

    The project is available in beta versionvia the forum of the portalIts author hopes to enhance it with sounds, music and other surprises.

    Kret for Atari 8-bit computers

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