Cartridge version of Alternate Reality: The Dungeon for Atari
1 min read
Guillermo «WillySoft» Fuenzalida (Chile) has released his cartridge version of the memorable role-playing game Alternate Reality: The Dungeon (Datasoft, 1987) for Atari 8-bit computers.
As we mentioned some time agoFuenzalida converted the game - whose original version occupies six sides of floppy disks - to a single cartridge compatible with the Atarimax system.
"While (the game) is very entertaining, it is also very tedious to load. You have to constantly change diskettes to be able to load its segments: maps, special places, encounters with adversaries, guilds, etc. Now, it loads very quickly and the gaming experience is much smoother," he commented to Atariteca.
In addition, it uses a flash ROM system to record up to four character profiles within the cartridge. "To do this, I made a new cartridge design, which is completely different from the multi-game cartridges I have offered until now," he said.
"Willysoft" is offering this version of the Datasoft classic for sale at 40,000 Chilean pesos (about USD 60), plus shipping costs. "The price difference compared to the multi-game cartridges is due to the fact that their design is more complex and their manufacturing is more expensive."
"However, the gaming experience changes considerably compared to playing it on a disk or disk emulators," he concluded. Those interested in acquiring a copy of the cartridge - which also comes with an attractive label designed by Fuenzalida himself - can request it throughfrom your Facebook account
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