Annihilate hordes of zombies with Cross Horde
1 min read

Intense action is offered by Cross Horde, the fifth game by Italian Fabrizio Caruso developed with his open source framework CrossLib.
Armed with a bow and plenty of arrows, we will try to prevent the waves of zombies from reaching the bottom of the screen. The task is complicated by the fact that some rivals also throw projectiles at us or can withstand multiple shots.
The program has twelve levels, 4 types of enemies and 5 types of power ups to improve our chances of defeating the undead.
Despite being a beta version, the author points out that Cross Horde works in both PAL and NTSC video modes. "I hope to make some minor adjustments to it in the short term. I like that it's a mini game," Caruso told Atariteca.

CrossLib can be compiled for nearly 200 8-bit computers and consoles - plus calculators and other devices - without changing the code. More information can be found atthe project repository on GitHub.
It is worth remembering that Caruso has already published the following titles using CrossLib:Cross ChaseCross ShootCross BomberandCross Snake. All support tile-based graphics and no graphics (ASCII graphics).
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