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    First color version of Vaults of Nhyrmeth for Atari

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    Vaults of Nhyrmeth, a first-person adventure game project by "clth" (Czech Republic), has a pre-release color version for the Atari XL/XE computers.

    "There were suggestions that monochrome graphics don't do justice to the Atari hardware. So I tried to make a quick conversion to mode 4," notes "clth."in the AtariAge forum

    "It feels quite different compared to the black and white, the environment clearly looks better but not so much the sprite graphics," he said.

    Vaults of Nhyrmethis the first "clash" project for Atari - and actually, for 8-bit computers. It involves traversing underground labyrinths, collecting objects and fighting a multitude of beasts.

    First color demo of Vaults of Nhyrmeth for Atari 8-bit

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