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    Fabulous 3D remake of classic Rescue on Fractalus completed

    1 min read

    Faithful to the Lucasfilm Games original (1985), but with fabulously renewed graphics, is version 1.0 of Fractalus, a 3D remake for PC and Mac computers of the immortal Rescue on Fractalus.

    The prodigy is the fruit of a decade of work by the Australian company Luke’s Software and Design; and, as if that were not enough, it is available free of charge for users of Windows 7 operating systems onwards, MacOS 10.12 or higher and Linux.

    The game immerses us in the action from the screen to select the starting level; the takeoff in the tunnel of the mothership - which we can now also appreciate when returning with the rescued pilots; and the memorable descent into the acid cloud atmosphere of the hostile alien planet.

    Graphically, the highlights include cockpit instruments - updated to match the look and feel of the original game and box art; improved textures and designs for the ships, cockpit and pilots; and the famous (or infamous?) alien trying to thwart your rescue mission.

    Also noteworthy are the new gameplay options that allow us, for example, to return to the space base and exit the program to then resume the game at the same level. The introduction of a high score table, among other features, deserves special mention.

    If all of the above wasn't enough, the creators of this remake managed to implement virtual reality support for Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and OpenVR/SteamVR devices.

    Fractalus 1.0.0 for PC with Windows OS

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