Biscuits in Hell released for Atari computers
1 min read

Biscuits in Hell, an entertaining platform game published for ZX Spectrum by Monument Microgames (2017), has just been released for Atari computers with a minimum of 48K RAM.
The title, originally programmed by Dave Hughes (UK) with music by Yerzmyey (Poland), was ported to Atari computers by Paul "Playsoft" Lay, Darryl "darryl1970" Guenther and Jaden "JRH" Houghtons.
In June 2020, this remarkable conversion was featured in issue #141 of the Atari Bit Byter User Club – ABBUC magazine; distribution was limited to members of the German group. Thanks to Sascha “Skr” Skriegel, it has just been included in the public download section of their official website.
"I wrote the game for the club because I've been a member for quite a while and never contributed anything. I like the idea of it being exclusive to club members for now as it might encourage other people to join,"Lay explained at the Spectrum Computing Forums, which also provides abundant technical details about the development of the port.

The player must collect all the cookies on the screen to move from one level to the next; an easy task if it weren't for the fact that each platform is filled with traps and enemies that are constantly moving. In addition, some of the power-ups can wipe out all your rivals... and you too.
The game offers two modes: you can play for points, where you start with 5 lives and each level has a time limit. You can also try the original ZX Spectrum game, where you have 128 lives to complete 8 levels.

It should be noted that it was also released on the C64 under the name “Endless Forms Most Beautiful”, which itself was a game based on a remake of Locomalito (2020). Also, it is supposed to be a clone of “The Incredible Adventures of Moebius Goatlizard” on the Amiga.
Biscuits in Hell for Atari 8-bit
Download | 37 KbWith information fromABBUCandAtari Age
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