First cinematic from the port of "Prince of Persia" for Atari 8-bit computers | Video
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Rensoup shared a preview of the first cinematic from the in-development port of Prince of Persia (Brøderbund Software, 1989) for Atari 8-bit computers.
"It's still far from finished and I don't know what it will look like in the end. I posted a mockup a long time ago of what I had in mind; then I wrote my little tool and learned more about the limitations of sprites," he explained on the AtariAge forums, referring to the video with one of the animated scenes that characterize the game.
As you may recall, the project to bring one of the titles that revolutionized the video game industry to Atari computers dates back to late November 2019, when Rensoup shared a demo with the first complete level.
“The first thing is to get all the scenes working before trying anything fancy!” said Rensoup, who is developing the conversion with support from Konstantinos “TIX” Giamalidis (Greece).
In a recent interview with Atariteca, Rensoup commented on haters who often voice unsolicited questions. “It’s incredible that some people don’t like the project because it’s not done the way they think it should be done. There’s no point in wasting time on them.”
This PoP conversion is based on the BBC Micro code and will run on an Atari computer with 128K RAM, such as the Atari 130XE computers.
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