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    Adventure Ponies with new music

    1 min read

    «Adventure Ponies», the unique platform game for Atari 8-bit computers, has just received some cool new tunes thanks to the talented synthpop musician Bobby «Synthpopalooza» Clark (Tennessee, USA).

    As we reported in 2019, the project dates back to late April last year, when Dan “Gibstov” Blevins (USA) shared the first version of the show, a port of the Flash game published by Hub Network – where the animated series “My Little Pony” originally aired.

    The player can choose between Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy to go through different levels, in which they must collect different items and defeat an enemy at the end of each stage. Each character has unique abilities and the scenarios change to put them to the test.

    Blevins released version 0.88 of the game, replacing the old music with new songs. "There is another tune, which I couldn't fit but I'll try to add it in another update," he said on the AtariAge forums.

    Clark, for his part, was pleased with the update: “It’s really beautiful to see the game with the music present! This is going to be an amazing release. I’ll keep working on it,” he commented.

    By the way, the impressive title screen was designed by Krzysztof A. “KAZ” Ziembik (Poland). In our humble opinion, “Adventure Ponies” reflects not only the fun spirit of the TV series, but is also entertaining and practically ideal for the 8-bit format.

    Adventure Ponies for Atari 8-bit

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