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    Finally! Montezuma for Atari has an ending

    1 min read

    More than three decades after its publication, Montezuma’s Revenge (Parker Brothers, 1984) finally has a closing sequence for those who finish the beloved game on the Atari 8-bit computers.

    The scene was incorporated into the latest update of Montezuma’s Redux, a hack of the classic platformer developed by Konstantinos “TIX” Giamalidis (Greece), with support from Paul “Playsoft” Lay.

    Those who manage to complete the ninth difficulty level of the platformer will be able to access the treasure chamber of the mythical Aztec king; and no longer just return to the first level, as in the unfinished original.

    Montezuma’s Redux was created based on the version of the original corrected in the middle of the year by the Chilean Abel “AsCrNet” Carrasco, who through Atariteca explained how the long-awaited ending was created.

    "I thought I'd do it alone, but then I thought of asking them (TIX and Playsoft) on the AtariAge forum. I told them I wanted to add an ending, they liked the idea and that's how the process started. It was a joint effort, about three months of ideas and constructive debate," he said.

    Carrasco points out that some graphics from the first release of Montezuma’s Redux have also been improved – for example, the numbers in the scoring section.

    Likewise, the bonus scene between one stage and another has been fixed, where the diamonds should disappear when the music ends.

    Montezuma’s Redux with ending

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