Cross Shoot, shoot'em up for Atari computers
1 min read

We present to you the Atari computer version of Cross Shoot, an addictive shooter game made by Fabrizio Caruso (Italy).
Like his previous project, Cross Chase, this is a free, open-source game - which the author has dubbed CrossLib - that can be compiled for around 200 eight-bit computers and consoles.
"It's a totally different game, where you have to kill everyone. While Cross Chase is more or less like Gnome Robots, Cross Shoot is like Robotron," Caruso explained to Atariteca.
The goal of the game is to annihilate all the regular enemies or kill all 4 "skulls". The former can be killed quickly by being pushed against walls with bullets. The "skulls" and bosses cannot be pushed and are harder to kill. All flashing elements have positive effects and can grant you special powers.

Cross Shoot features 12 power-ups (5 normal and 7 secret); 16 levels and one hidden extra; two bosses (on levels 8 and 16); three types of enemies and two types of missiles.
Currently, the game has versions for Atari 8-bit (XL/XE series computers); the Atari 5200 console; Commodore 64 and 128; Amstrad CPC; Sinclair ZX Spectrum; MSX 1; Nintendo NES and Jupiter Ace, among others.
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