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    News from the port of Return of Fury for Atari computers

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    Users Ute (USA) and Fantômas (France) took up the project to port "Return of Fury", the sequel to the classic platformer "Bruce Lee" (Datasoft, 1984), to Atari 8-bit computers.

    The initiative dates back to March of last year, when Vidar "dmx" Bang published a remarkable sequel to the game for Commodore 64 computers, retaining the graphics, music and sound effects of the original title.

    Bang dismissed any interest in porting his game to other platforms. However, he did dare to add comments and tags to the code of “Return of Fury” (ROF). This led Ute and Fantômas to develop a level generator and months later they presented Eel Ecurb (Bruce Lee backwards), a version of the platformer where the protagonist must return from the end to the starting point.

    «Right now, we're working on getting the levels to look and feel right compared to the C64 version of ROF. There will be a lot of tweaking because the Commodore has some tricks that the Atari doesn't have, so some screens will require a bit of extra work to get right,» Ute told Atariteca.

    He said the opening screens could be completed within a few weeks. “Next, we’ll work on an intro screen, title screen, music, etc. Of course, we both do this in our spare time – mostly nights and weekends.”

    Regarding the probable release date of the full game, Ute hopes to have a version ready by the end of October. He also stated that the idea is to release it as a free digital download from the AtariAge portal.

    He added that they will do their best to make the program compatible with DOS - even though the original Bruce Lee does not run from the operating system either - and will also prepare a disk image version (ATR) with its own boot sequence.

    Finally, Ute confirmed his wish to use the Bruce Lee sprites made by Konstantinos "TIX" Giamalidis - and which were used by "DMX" for a special edition of ROF for the C64; and also to have a version with the original sprites.

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