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    Astudillo: The Atari scene could unite and do something bigger

    6 min read

    Atari-A-Do has become a meeting point for lovers of Atari consoles and computers - particularly Spanish speakers. Chilean Cristian Astudillo, who hosts this YouTube channel, infects the audience with his enormous enthusiasm in each broadcast, where he also shares his vast knowledge of classic video games from different platforms.

    In this interview, Astudillo talks to Atariteca about this great project, which has brought Atari users in Latin America together.

    What was your first computer?

    My first computer was a Packard Bell 486 SX4 PC at 66mhz. I never owned a computer before, only Atari 800XL computers borrowed from friends. And my brother had an Atari 2600 console, which I got a lot of use out of.

    How did your relationship with Atari computers begin?

    With friends who had computers and invited me to play at their houses. Some even went so far as to lend me their computers, especially when they got the Nintendo NES.

    Do you still own any of those Atari machines from back then?

    We gave away the Atari we had (my brother Alejandro's). It was broken, but it still worked; I don't even remember who it was given to. It's a shame that we lost value for it at some point.

    And how many Atari computers do you have now?

    Four years ago I started buying Atari computers, starting with an 800XL and a 65XE. My favorite computer is the 800XL, as the model is beautiful and I like it better; specifically, the model with the AWS keyboard, which is mechanical and very satisfying.

    Today I have the 2600 heavy sixer, light sixer, Vader and Junior consoles. I also have the Atari 400, 800, 1200XL, 600XL, 800XL, 65XE, 130XE (PAL) computers and the XEGS console. Apart from that, I have a Flashback 2.

    How do you remember the Atari scene in Chile when you were a user?

    There was a lot of activity: lots of kids playing at home with friends; friends with accessories - for example, the light gun or the video cartridge, to load the games from the VHS. In retail there were brands that sold Atari games on cassette, like Turbo Software and Prismasoft, among the best known - and, by the way, there were many. There were also people who had real Atari laboratories in their homes and dedicated themselves to piracy. You would come with blank tapes and they would charge you to record the game directly from the Atari. I think that this last one was one of the most recurrent ways.

    What were your favorite shows at the time?

    I liked and still like Koala Paint as a utility. The rest was drawing with plot and drawto in Basic; and games on cassette, lots of games.

    Who do you admire from the current Atari scene in Chile? And internationally?

    Oh, there are so many! In Chile there is Francisco Domínguez, my Atari guru, hardware expert; Víctor “Vitoco” Parada, with great work on Basic and his excellent game Toy Swap; Guillermo “WillySoft” Fuenzalida, with enormous work at all levels at Atari, both in hardware and software - his game Culmins, his cartridges and contributions. Also, Franco “CatrinLabs” Catrín, whose work at Atari with game hacks and the first attempt to make a port of Prince of Persia -which, by the way, the demo is very attractive. He has cooperated in Atari projects; he is “dry” (excellent) in general and also has a project to create a computer inspired by the Atari 8 bit.

    Likewise, Sergio “DogDark” Marchant, who does a great job sharing his Atari programming knowledge on his YouTube and Twitch channels, as well as recovering copiers; the well-known “Black Patch”, famous in his time in Atari piracy and who contributed a lot to feeding us all with games and copiers; today we keep in touch, which is a source of pride.

    As for the outside world, Robert Jaeger -creator of Montezuma- and many other Polish and English creators of games and music such as Adam Gilmore, Ian Copeland, Brian Jobling, Michael Owens, Arkadiusz Lubaszka, Bartlomiej Wieczorkowski, Piotr Wisniewski, Mateusz Wisniewski, Adam Powroźnik, Solo (JarosÅ‚aw Padula), Laoo (Waldemar Pawlaszek), Ivan Mackintosh, Richard Munns, Rob Hubbard, Chris Hutt, Sal Esquivel, Tix, Rensoup… These are the ones that come to mind -although I looked up the Polish ones because of the difficulty in writing their names.

    What inspired you to launch your “Atari-A-Do” channel?

    Initially, it was to show how I repaired my Ataris, which I bought new. But the thing about showing games and doing live streams comes from the “Juanje Juega” (Spain) channel on Twitch and YouTube, which is one of my favorite channels.

    Is there any particular episode that you like the most out of all the ones you've done?

    If you have to think of one, I don't think there's one that stands out more than the other. They were all good in one way or another. And the ones that weren't were cut, and those were just two. I think the chapters where I only play what I like are where I feel most comfortable.

    What is the interview that you have enjoyed doing the most?

    I really enjoyed all the interviews, since I can learn a lot from everyone, and from the questions that the audience can ask in the chat. Also, the willingness of the people to want to be on the channel is very much appreciated. Particularly, in the interview we had with Franco Catrín, we had a good time.

    What plans do you have for your channel?

    I'll continue doing live shows for now. Maybe I'll do some MOD edits, since I have pending projects; I'll do more interviews and conversations with people from the Chilean Atari scene.

    How do you feel about audience participation in Atari-A-Do broadcasts?

    Extremely grateful, extremely surprised as well. And sometimes with mixed feelings - since there is no shortage of trolls who attack you; but the support and the good vibes are such that they outweigh any attack I may suffer.

    How do you rate the involvement of members of the AtariAge and Atariware forums or Facebook groups in the current Atari scene?

    A lot, actually: they help the scene to keep moving globally and to ensure that there are people who want to continue developing projects for the different Atari platforms.

    What do you think about competitions like ABBUC or BASIC Tenliners?

    They are a challenge to genius and how to create new ways to get the most out of the Atari. Later, these techniques are applied to other games, programs or software. It is appreciated and surprising at the same time.

    What are your current favorite Atari 8-bit games? Why?

    Draconus, the best! It had and still has me with hours of entertainment; Gyruss, which I played a lot; Mr. Do, one of the most playable games (sic) for Atari 8 bit; Bruce Lee, Track & Field, International Karate, lots of memories playing as a two-player game; Black Lamp, Ninja, good games and I played them a lot.

    Is there any of them that you admire for their technical aspects or any other in particular?

    Space Harrier, Yoomp!, Crownland, Time Pilot: exploits on the Atari 8-bit… by the way, the upcoming Prince of Persia port will be added to this list. Maybe I'm forgetting one at this moment…

    What do you think of Zybex II, as well as the Draconus II, III and IV versions?

    I appreciate it. I remember Draconus IV, which I also bought at Casa Royal, here in Chile. I played it a lot from Prismasoft.

    And what do you think about “modern classics” or homebrews like His Dark Majesty, Space Harrier…?

    It's great that games are made for the Atari 8-bit. I wish there were publishers or someone willing to deliver a complete product, in a box of the games. I would buy them and I know that in Chile it is possible.

    What are your impressions of the current Atari 8-bit scene?

    That it is strong, but separate. That it could unite more and make something bigger; that a small industry can be created around it; that it is exploitable and shareable.

    And what do you think about today's new gaming platforms and video games?

    Honestly, I only use PC. The new consoles don't make sense to me, although the constant evolution is appreciated. I think that today it's only evolution in graphics, but not in gameplay.

    What other hobbies do you have?

    My favorite hobby and means of transportation is the bicycle. I hope to train Shorin Ryu karate again soon. And well, I have a business called ASDUB Audio, where I make handcrafted audio equipment:

    Thank you for taking the time to give us this interview. Is there anything else you would like to share with Atariteca readers?

    Thank you very much for your interest and consideration, Atariteca. It is a great support and a great channel for the worldwide Atari scene. Thank you all for your support and I hope to continue doing things to entertain and share. In my case, I am not a great expert nor have I been in this for many years, but I have great enthusiasm. Thanks again to Atariteca for this interview and all the good vibes that Giann Velásquez brings to the channel. Best wishes to everyone!

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