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    Atari: Tensor Trzaskowskiego version for Android system

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    Mgr inż. Rafal Chabowski has released a version of his puzzle game Tensor Trzaskowskiego -originally from Atari computers- for Android devices.

    The protagonist is the scientist Ireneusz Trzaskowski, who travels through the caverns of Jupiter in search of the mystical "Almonds x4".

    On your adventure, you will be able to use a device to change the direction of gravity in each room and overcome different obstacles.

    The game consists of 51 levels, plus colorful screens between each stage, designed by Kamil "Vidol" Walaszek, and new melodies composed by Makary Brauner.

    This version requires Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) or higher. It is worth remembering that Tensor Trzaskowskiego took first place at the Atari party Ironia 2017 (Poland).

    Tensor Trzaskowskiego for Android devices

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    Size: 30 Mb

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