New Adventures of Laura for Atari is now available
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Last week, "New Adventures of Laura", an adventure and puzzle game for Atari 8-bit computers, was released.
This is a collector's tape with 16 levels programmed by Pawel "QTZ" Kuczmanski, crwrc, German Gonzales and Arkadiusz "Larek" Lubaszka.
The program - in English - has a code system for each level. The cassette also takes 15 minutes to load.
The game, which will be sold in a batch of just 20 tapes, is the result of thecontest organized by ArSoft Corporationnine months ago.
It is the first cassette version ofLaura, well all the previous ones were sold in cartridge form.Early buyers will receive a 3D sticker as a bonus.
Orders can be placed through, priced at USD 19 per tape - excluding shipping costs.
Like the original, these new adventures of Laura require an Atari computer with 128 Kb of RAM, such as the 130XE model; or models with expansions - such as the Ultimate 1MB.
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