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    Chile: Atari 8-bit wireless computer unveiled

    1 min read

    A practically wireless Atari 800XL computer is what Juan "Donlupi" Neculpan (Chile) has just presented.

    As you can see in the video, the computer works completely wirelessly: it does not require connections for the joystick, the video signal to the TV or for the power supply.

    Speaking to Atariteca, Neculpan recalled that his quest to achieve a wireless Atari computer dates back to August 2015, when he managed toCommunicating an Atari 800XL with a cell phone via Bluetoothto load software.

    The next step was to connect the joystick without cables, for which he uses a JOY2BT Bluetooth sensor. "It's an idea of ​​mine a few months ago that consists of a sensor that can get input from Wii controllers, or from PS3 and PS4 consoles."

    Neculpan highlights the successful blending of generations and different brands (Nintendo, Sony PlayStation) with an 80s Atari computer, by merging Bluetooth connection protocols into a single sensor; to the point that the controller's gyroscope works.

    As for wireless video transmission from the computer to the modern TV, "Donlupi" explains that achieving this required two stages: first, FM sound transmitters were added internally to the Atari's video output, which transform the image signal into 2.4 GHz radio waves. And secondly, a receiver is installed in the TV that captures the signal and does the reverse operation; that is, it converts it back into regular video.

    Finally, he explains where the energy that sustains the operation of the equipment comes from. "I made it with the help of a simple battery to recharge cell phones; although since it is from China and did not have enough power for the entire system, I have reinforced it with two rechargeable batteries."

    Neculpan clarifies that despite these innovations, he always respects Atari's original design, "For example, this player still has the option of charging via cables from a cassette or diskette; you can use a traditional wired joystick; and also a transformer and audio-video cables, etc.".

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