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    Atari Party East 2018 was successfully developed

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    Over 30 attendees, including well-known members of the Atari scene, gathered last Saturday, September 22, in New Jersey (United States) for Atari Party East 2018.

    The event was organized for the second year by our good friend Bill Lange,author of the Atari 8-bit Ads blogand his wife Lucy. "After attending, exhibiting and speaking at the Vintage Computer Festival East for the past four or five years, a few of us (Atari fans) decided that we needed an Atari-only party," he told Atariteca.

    Among the participants were Jamie Lendino, author ofbook "Breakout: How Atari 8-bit Computers Defined A Generation"and editor in chief of portal; Michael D'Angelo, co-host of theAtari 5200 Podcast Super Communityand Glen Planamento, presenter of the"Glen's Retro Show"on YouTube.

    Also present was Robert "Ferg" Ferguson, host of theAtari 2600 Game By Game Podcast-the first podcast dedicated to the beloved console. While Robert Wanenchak, responsible for theAtariSpot Twitter account, shared abundantphotos on his Flickr; apart from carrying some cartridges from Mexico.

    During the event, attendees were able to see an Atari 800XE computer, sold to Lange by Randall Kindig - co-host of theANTIC The Atari 8-bit Podcast. Separately, there was one of the BX40 joysticks, hand-produced byJournalist Benj Edwards

    As if that weren't enough, Lange had its Atari 2600, 5200, 7800, Jaguar and Lynx consoles on display, as well as Atari 400, 800, 1200XL, 600XL, 800XL, 65XE, 130XE and ST computers. There were also a dozen arcade machines with titles like Ms. Pacman, Gauntlet (in a four-player version!), Popeye, Mr. Do! and Karate Champion.

    Special mention should be made of the Atari Portfolio computer and the Atari Video Music system - the latter brought by Paul Rickards. While Nir Dary (Egypt) sent European magazines and a boxed copy of theTime Pilot game for Atari computers

    Lange also offered a miniature reproduction of the Centipede arcade game,recently released by RepliCade Amusements. "We also had t-shirts made withIllustrations provided by Donald Croswhitebased on old Atari VCS catalogs from the late 1970s and early 1980s," he added.

    "Finally, we opened a sealed boxed copy of the Atari 800 48k floppy disk withthe In-Store Demo program; and Allan Bushman (renowned for his work documenting Atari's history) scanned the manual for the first time, making it available to the community," he concluded.

    The images illustrating this article are property of Robert Menes, Robert Wanenchak and Glen Planamento.

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