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    What is the best Atari 8-bit computer emulator?

    1 min read

    Eager to relive those glorious days, but no longer have your Atari computer? Here are two programs that will allow you to emulate your Atari 65XE, 800XL or 130XE computer on any PC.


    Hailed by the Atari community as the most faithful emulation of the Atari 8-bit computers: 400/800, 1200XL, 600/800XL and 130XE; as well as the Atari 5200 and XEGS consoles.

    The program can simulate Atari computers completely and, what's more, with the same speeds as the original hardware - including peripherals such as disk and cassette players.

    Altirra offers several different memory configurations, as well as emulating modified devices, such as the Turbo 2000 system - which allowed programs and games to be loaded from tapes at twice the regular speed. Its author, Avery "Phaeron" Lee, constantly updates and improves the software.

    Altirra emulator ver. 2.99

    Download | Unknown size

    Atari800Win PLus

    In our humble opinion, the second best option for emulating Atari computers. In general terms, it has similar features and options to Altirra. Unfortunately, its last update dates back to January 2012.

    Atari800Win PLus emulator

    Download | Unknown size

    Requirements: Pentium or higher processor (minimum 1 GHz recommended) and Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 10 operating system in any of its versions (32-bit or x64 editions).

    Important: In both cases, you will need to download the following ZIP (compressed) file with the ROMs for the Atari computer that the emulator will need.

    Atari ROMs

    Download | Unknown size

    Once the emulator is installed, we recommend you visit the following article with a selection ofSites to download free Atari 8-bit game ROMs

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