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    Atari: Board contest for the upcoming cassette version of Laura

    1 min read

    A group of Atari computer enthusiasts have organized a contest to create new levels forLaura, an adventure and logic game from ArSoft Corporation

    Through the forums of the AtariAge and AtariOnline portals, the user "ccwrc" made a call to the Atari community to design boards that will be incorporated into the future cassette version of the aforementioned game.

    This is a limited edition of 50 units for collectors only, and requires an Atari 130XE computer or one with expanded memory. This new version will feature a maximum of 32 user-created levels, selected by Arkadiusz "Larek" Lubaszka, author of Laura.

    "Anyone whose board qualifies will be included on the list on the tape cover, as well as having priority for the purchase of the cassettes," says "ccwrc" who revealed that this same version will be released to the public, but not until 2018.

    "I admit that I am glad that such an initiative is being implemented (...) I wish them success in creating new stages; and to the promoters of this project, strength and health to see it through to the end," said K. Lubaska.

    Interested parties canDownload the program "Laura Constructor"and send your boards until October 31stthrough this link

    With information fromAtari AgeandAtariOnline

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