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    Tempest Elite for Atari computers for sale

    1 min read

    Digitized voices and support for different types of controllers is what brings usTempest Elite, the recently released game by programmer Peter J. Meyeralongside Lance Ringquist, producer of the company Video61.

    It is an improved sequel to Tempest Xtreem, published in 2008 by Atlantis Games Group as it has the ability to detect (and take advantage of)VBXE graphics card and stereo POKEY chip

    On the forumMeyer points out that one of the differences with Tempest Xtreme is the various types of joystick that can be used to play: Tempest Elite accepts joystick, trackball, paddle and circular control (driving); all to bring it closer to the feeling of arcades.

    Likewise, some digitized voices have been introduced that come from the Tempest 2000! of the Atari Jaguar console. They highlight the phrase "Superzapper Recharge"when moving from one level to another; or the scream that is heard when our ship is captured by the enemies.

    On the other hand, the score area has been modified to resemble its counterparts in other systems: the 3 green Warp Keys are now displayed in a row instead of within a single character in Antic 6 mode; the size of the ship icon has also been increased, using 2 Antic 6 mode characters.

    As seen in the video published by William Curver -from the Arcade USA channel- Tempest Elite is sold in a plastic package, which contains a transparent cartridge as well as a color printed sheet with the description of the enemies and power-ups (Flipper, Crazy Flipper, Tanker, Pulsar, Spiker, Fuseball, Demon Mirror, Gunner Droid).

    Worthy of special mention are the messages at the top of the screen that allude to the player's performance ("Wicked!" "Kicking!", "Radical!", "Sweet!", "Ace!"), as well as the powerful melody that plays during each game.

    Tempest Elite is ready to run on an Atari XL/XE computer with 64K RAM and a standard 6502 chip. Each cartridge sells for USD$ 49.95 and those interested can send their orders to the following email:

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