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    New downhill game in the works for Atari

    1 min read

    The adrenaline-pumping sport of longboarding is soon coming to 8-bit Atari computers, thanks to Polish programmer Kamil "Gorgh" Trzaska.

    Through his fanpageUpcoming & New 8 Bit Games, "Gorgh" revealed the first video of his project called N.A.G. (New Atari Game).

    "It's the classic game where you have to dodge and jump over obstacles as you go down the road," he said in a statement to Atariteca.

    Trzaska stressed that the video is from a preliminary version of the program. "The protagonist will be colored. The game is played in high-resolution character mode, not in bitmap mode."

    As you can see, N.A.G's skateboard already has acceleration and deceleration. The hill's twists and turns are also highlighted, as well as the trees and other elements.

    The author has indicated that Michal "Caruso" Brzezicki will contribute the game's theme music. However, he expects that the NTSC version will not have music due to the lack of available CPU cycles on the Atari.

    Our friend Kamil hopes to have this new project ready for the next edition of the annual retro contest organized by theGerman club Atari Bit Byter User Club - ABBUC 2017; whose registration deadline expires on July 31.

    It is worth remembering that the first reference to this game dates back to July 2014, when "Gorgh" informed Atariteca about his project -thenchristened "Carving the Hill"

    On the other hand, he left open the possibility of addingMore levels to "Hot & Cold Adventure", his platform game that took fourth place at WAP-niak 2017, a retrofestival dedicated to Atari XL/XE series computers.

    "Yes, probably. But only after finishing this (project - referring to NAG)," he concluded.

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