Video: ÉclaireXL supports original Atari peripherals
1 min read

Nir Dary shared a video showing howthe ÉClaire XL devicecan support various original peripherals for Atari 8-bit computers.
To start, he tested conventional cartridges with the classic ones Miner 2049er (Big Five Software, 1982) and Frogger (Konami, 1981); as well as an Atari CX40 joystick to one of the hardware's four nine-pin ports.
He then inserted an Ultimate 1MB cartridge to run various demos, such as the famous Atari Boink; or the recently published oneBad Apple!! with Japanese subtitles
Later, he did a similar testwith Atarimax MyIDE-II and SIDE2 Cart cartridgesAs if that weren't enough, to test the equipment's performance, he streamed video directly to the Atari's GTIA chip.
As you can see, the EclaireXL has simultaneous video output on VGA and HDMI. In both cases, the image is sharp and the animation is fluid using different screen proportions.
He also demonstrated the acceleration of the device's processor - which can increase its speed by up to 32 times. Dary stressed that the eClaireXL allows configuration changes on the fly (on the fly) to -for example- expand RAM memory or change PAL and NTSC video modes.
As a background, Dary connects an Atari 1050 disk drive to the SIO port on the motherboard and boots a diskette with the game One-on-One Basketball (Electronic Arts, 1983)
Finally, connect an Atari XC12 cassette deck to load Monstrum (ASF, 1992)from a tape.
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