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    SDrive2 distribution begins

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    Alexey "alsp" Spirkov started the distribution of SDrive2, hardware that emulates the floppy drives of Atari computers, using a microSD memory card.

    The first batch of 21 units consists of the printed circuit board (PCB), the ARM-compatible processor and a case with the classic Atari logo. Depending on the amount paid, the user will receive the components to assemble; or the device ready to connect to the computer.

    In the first case, each SDrive2 unit is sold for USD 15; and in the second, for USD 50. Spirkov still receivesPurchase orders through the AtariAge forum-although, for now, there are more than 50 pending applications.

    As we mentioned in a previous article, the device wasoriginally named SDrive-ARM v1.0However, "alsp" decided to rename itafter an online votedeveloped in mid-May.

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