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    Chile: PCB with 8mbit memory for Atari computers

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    Francisco Domínguez, member of the Facebook group "Atari Chile", has just presented some printed circuit boards (PCB) equipped with an EPROM memory for Atari 8-bit computers.

    The PCB is based on the banking system ofAtariMax cartridges, so it supports images of that type. It also has a design that fits perfectly into the "Rugged" type cartridges for the Atari XEGS console.

    Domínguez explains that the EPROM is a 27c801 type, "which would give us 8Mbit of capacity; which is approximately 50 games." Each PCB with EPROM is sold for 12 thousand Chilean pesos (about 18 USD), including shipping costs within the country. There is an offer of two units for 20 thousand pesos; and three for 28 thousand pesos.

    As for the games/programs, the author offers two options: The first is to choose one or more of the compilations made by Rodriguez; and the second is to send him a .ROM image of the custom compilations, which can be created with AtariMax software or another compatible one.

    They support files in XEX and ROM formats and each compilation has about 50 games on average. "There are some with more than 100 games. It all depends on the size of each file," he stressed.

    "The compilations would have to be created with the Maxflash Cartridge Studio program (...) There are some (.ATR) files that the emulator turns black (that is, they don't work) and that run on the final cartridge; and the opposite also happens. I am in charge of doing the tests in any case," he added.

    Delivery time in Chile is one to two days. To coordinate purchases, interested parties canContact Dominguez directly through Facebook

    The author clarifies that he has no intention of making a profit from the devices, since the unit price barely covers the cost of the inputs. "I'm not interested in making a profit, this is my hobby and I'm trying to get the prices as cheap as possible so that everyone has multicarts, games, etc.," he said to Atariteca.

    It is worth remembering that, some time ago, Francisco Domínguez dared tomake a SIC! (acronym for Super Inexpensive Cart!)for Atari 8-bit computers.

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