Atari: Spellbinder and other games from FLOP 60 magazine
2 min read

Six new games, including theSpellbinder port announced for Atari, is what the 60th issue of the Czech electronic magazine FLOP brings us.
Frantisek "Fandal" Houra (code), Zdenek "PG" Eisenhammer (music) and José Pereira (title screen adaptation and colourisation) lent their talents to the conversion of Spellbinder (Superior Software, 1987) from the BBC Micro version.
The action takes place in the fictional kingdom of Lorraine, at the end of the 13th century. We play as a wizard named Eldon, whose goal is to find and defeat the evil wizard Zorn. To do so, we will have to explore a castle in search of ingredients to cast various enchantments. A task that would be simple if it weren't for the fact that its rooms and corridors are inhabited by ghosts and monsters.
In the left panel there is a collection of icons that represent the actions we can perform using the number keys:
1 - movement mode;
2 - review object;
3 - inventory/energy;
4 - mix ingredients;
5 - cast spell;
6 - use an object.

The original game was written by Israelis Dan and Etan Shirron, who were 14 and 16 years old when they began coding it under the name "Magelords" in 1986. Their modest equipment consisted of a memory chip, a 14-inch monochrome television, a cassette recorder, and their own graphics software written in BASIC.
:: Diamondz 2 and other multiplayer games
Meanwhile, Frantisek "Fandal" Houra updated his old logic gameDiamondzwith new levels.As in the original 2010 version, we must clear each level of all the diamonds and reach the exit.
FLOP 60 also offers four games with support for multiple players simultaneously through the Multijoy interface: highlightsMultiloops, programmed by Rudolf Kudla and featuring music by Antonin "R0ger" Holik, with cooperative mode for up to five players simultaneously.

InAte'em All(coded by Fandal and featuring music by Christian "Irgendwer" Krueger) you compete with other players trying to eat the delicacies that appear randomly on the board. Some dishes have specific properties, such as speeding up your movement or negatively affecting other players. Using Multijoy, up to 16 players can participate simultaneously.

Fandal also modifiedBoulders and Bombs(Keith Dreyer, 1982): Three players control spaceships that attack a fourth player, who tries to protect people on the ground.

Finally, it was adaptedSnakes and Ladders(C. Harper and Kevin Harper, 1991) to support up to four players.
It should be noted that, unlike previous years, this edition of theFLOP MagazineIt was not published in thedemoparty atariada 2017, held in April, but within the framework of theSilver Plate 2017, an annual meeting held from June 2 to 4 in the city of Ceské Budejovice, in the Czech Republic.
FLOP Magazine N° 60 for Atari 8-bit computers
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